Watch the mummy - calendar, sketchbook, notebook, whiteboard… things. I’ve been doing a lot of idea forming and development recently, as can be seen in the sketchbook and notebook. Trying to figure out how to draw my friends’ D&D characters and ideas for a metalworking object for my 3D class. Things like my calendar and whiteboard are both a tool in my working process and something I enjoy.
big fan of the pink in these, and all the different colors! 
i went a bit less heavy handed with the editing, but it's still there. this seems to be a theme with this second set (which makes sense, because heavily editing 20 images is a lot harder than 5. that did not stop me from fiddling with every option in Camera Raw however)

this one is a bit similar to the field, the collection of pins and patches and such, in the sense that it is a collection of objects that inspire my art and what i wish it was and what i wish i was like as a person. although this one is a bit closer to reality rather than wishes, aspirations, it is a collection of things i project myself onto. things i actually Own, or at least sort of. no one cares about how good your calendar looks so why are you trying to make it look all pretty with so many colors ? i dont know. myself?

also, alot of these are things made by artists i really like and want to leech off of their talent and into my work! i am excited to possess and look at these things
a couple others are things i've collected from places i've been and that has its own value too :) 
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